where does it live? In Asia, in China (vive en Asia, en China)
what does it eat? Fruit and bamboo. (come fruta y bambú)
what type of animal is it? It is a mammal, viviparous, it breathes with lungs. (es un mamífero, vivíparo y respira por sus pulmones)
It has four legs and it can walk but it sleeps more than 14 hours (tiene 4 patas y anda pero duerme más de 14 horas)
It has black and white hair. It is endangered, there is less than 1000 panda bears in the world. (tiene pelo negro y blanco. Está en peligro de extinción, quedan menos de 1.000 pandas en el mundo.)
Good job, Sofía! Congratulations!
megustan todos(Gonzalo)
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yes good joob te ami