Esto de arriba es un tritón y gracias a Daniel Maza, hemos aprendido muchas cosas sobre ellos.
where does it live? On earth but near water (vive en tierra pero cerca del agua)
what does it eat? Worms and little insecta. (come gusanos y pequeños insectos)
what type of animal is it? It is an amphibian, oviparous, it breathes with lungs. (es un anfibio, ovíparo y respira por sus pulmones)
It has four legs and a log tail and it can walk and swim. (tiene 4 patas y una cola larga y puede andar y nadar)
It has slimy skin and it can breath through it. As frogs, it suffers metamorphosis during its life. (tiene la piel resbaladiza y puede respirar por ella. Como las ranas, sufre metamorfosis durante su vida.)
Good job, Dani! Congratulations!
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